Sure, winter in Rochester can get pretty cold. So, it’s a good idea to make sure your furnace can keep you warm and comfortable all through the season. But, is there such a thing as too warm? Yes — and it happens when you have an oversized HVAC system.

Bigger isn’t always better, especially when you’re talking about heating and cooling. In this post, we’ll talk about why you don’t want a furnace or AC that’s too powerful for your home. And, we’ll let you know how to make sure you pick out the right-sized system when it’s time for a new one.

Three Reasons an Oversized HVAC System is a Bad Idea

Bigger isn’t always better! Here are three reasons why you shouldn’t install an oversized HVAC system in Rochester, NY (or anywhere else!):
  1. Weaker Heating and Cooling
  2. You Get Cold Air in the Winter
  3. The System Wears Out Too Quick

Weaker Heating and Cooling

You’d think a more powerful system would mean better comfort, right? Well, it doesn’t work that way. Instead, an oversized system will produce weaker heating and cooling.

Here’s the problem: You’ll get a whole lot of heat in the winter. But, it’ll hit all at once. Then, the system will shut off right away because the thermostat gets blasted.

As a result, the entire house won’t get warm. That’s because the heat needs to keep running long enough to reach every part of every room. Rooms with high ceilings, or upstairs rooms, will stay chilly. The system never remains on long enough to treat them.

In the summer the problem’s even worse. You get the same problem with an AC that’s too powerful: It comes on strong, then shuts off. And it never treats the whole house.

But, then the air’s not only too warm. It’s also way too humid. Dehumidification is an essential part of the air conditioning process. It gets rids of excess moisture and makes the air feel cooler. But, it takes time to work. And, when your AC turns off right away, it never gets the chance to remove all that extra water vapor.

You Get Cold Air in the Winter

If you thought not getting warm enough in the winter was a problem, wait till it’s freezing outside and there’s cold air coming through your vents. The problem? Ironically, a furnace that does the job too well. It’s mostly due to the same problem we've already outlined: There’s too much heat at once.

In this case, the system pushes all that warm air through the ductwork. But, there’s too much pressure at once. And, too much heat. In some cases, as we noted before, you won’t treat the entire room — especially upstairs.

But, there’s another problem in small spaces: That sudden blast of hot air has nowhere to go. So, it backs up in the vents and back into the furnace. Now, a furnace may be responsible for generating warmth. But, it’s not supposed to hold onto it. As that thermal energy builds up inside the system, it can start to damage it. So, as a failsafe, your furnace does two things. First, it shuts off. Then, you’re left with a house that’s not warm enough. Then, it blasts cold air to cool itself down. It prevents damage — in the short term, anyway.

But, that cold air has to go somewhere. And, it ends up blowing through your vents while you’re trying to stay warm. Cooling in Scarborough
